Description and Analysis of the Role of Clergy in the Preservation of Religion and Its Impact on Religious Commitment

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Research Institute and University, Qom, Iran.



One of the religious duties of the clergy, as bearers of the faith, is the preservation of religion, which encompasses two aspects: guardianship of religion, which refers to each clergy member’s duty to safeguard religion against dangers that may arise from themselves, and defense of religion, which entails protecting religion from threats and dangers posed by others. The aim of this research is to evaluate the performance of the clergy in this regard, based on the prescriptive view of Islam concerning this duty, and inspired by the SWOT analysis method. The main question of this study is: What are the capacities, opportunities, and shortcomings of the Shiite clergy in contemporary Iran in fulfilling this role, particularly in terms of its impact on the religious commitment of the people? The findings of the research indicate that alongside the inherent capacities of Islam, especially the Shiite school of thought, and the motivational capacities of the clergy, as well as the valuable structural opportunities that have emerged in recent years for the clergy, there are shortcomings in fulfilling this role that have contributed to the decline in the level of religious commitment in society. Accordingly, there are strategies for improving the performance of the clergy in this area in two main axes: guardianship of religion and defense of religion. The strategies for guardianship of religion include: promoting a culture that strengthens divine motivation, commitment, and a sense of duty among students and clergy; fostering a spirit of truth-seeking, openness to criticism, and logical dialogue, commonly known as scholarly debate, within religious seminaries; expanding the space for logical and critical dialogue by strengthening platforms for theorizing, innovation, critique, and debate, as well as free-thinking platforms in seminaries; and organizing knowledge enhancement workshops and seminars for students. The strategies for the defense of religion include: reinforcing a rational approach based on Shiite rationality; strengthening the clergy's sense of commitment and duty; placing greater emphasis on the innate aspects of Islamic teachings and laws; empowering clergy to address the issues and doubts of new generations with an emphasis on modernity, foresight, and proactive responses to emerging challenges; increasing material and spiritual support from religious leaders for educational and research centers active in various fields of Islamic knowledge by leveraging financial support from governing bodies; expanding academic relations between religious seminaries and universities to improve the quality of discussions; enhancing the use of modern communication tools to familiarize clergy with intellectual rivals of religion and equip them for more effective engagement with these rivals; expanding educational disciplines and specialized courses on ideologies, non-religious schools of thought, spiritual movements, and pseudo-mysticism; and facilitating the transfer of theological research findings to the media space to more effectively counter anti-religious propaganda.


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