The Theory of "The Individual Encompassing the Collective": A Novel Explanation in Social Ontology

Document Type : Original Article


MA, Department of Philosophy of Science, Sharif University, Tehran; Level 4 Fiqh and Usul, Qom Seminary, Qom, Iran



Social science scholars require an ontological and precise explanation of society to establish scientific propositions and ensure the systematic nature of their scientific methods. In the post-revolution era, and following the Islamic society's need for Islamic humanities in the management of society, there was a pressing need to refine the foundations of these sciences. Within this context, Neo-Sadraean thinkers, who have been pioneers in ontology with a philosophical perspective, have extended their philosophical and wisdom-based foundations to explain the ontology of society. Prominent thinkers such as Allameh Tabataba'i, Martyr Motahhari, Ayatollah Mesbah, and others have specifically addressed this issue. This study aims to explore the theories of these scholars, highlight the differences, and ultimately adopt the theory of "The Individual Encompassing the Collective" as a distinct and alternative theory. Among the various perspectives, some scholars advocate the primacy of the individual, while others lean towards the primacy of society, with some extreme interpretations denying the primacy of the individual altogether. A middle ground acknowledges the primacy of both the individual and society. To construct this depiction of society as described above, analytical rational methods and the findings from the disciplines of philosophy and mysticism have been employed. Additionally, verses and narrations, along with the method of deriving meaning from texts, have been utilized to further substantiate the interpretation of these verses and narrations. It appears that by accepting the theory of "The Individual Encompassing the Collective," society can be conceived as an extended individual with an aspect of unity. The coexistence of these two aspects in the portrayal of society enables the application of this theory across various scientific fields and contexts. One such extension is the application of individual traditions to human societies, suggesting that any tradition addressed in the language of individual tradition in the verses and narrations can now be applied to the extended individual. Another implication of this theory is the expansion of Quranic interpretations, particularly verses addressing communities, or offering a new perspective on Islamic social rulings, such as almsgiving and self-sacrifice. These interpretations and outcomes are among the minimal applications of this theory to religious texts.


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