The Origins and Theoretical Foundations of the Sexualization of Social Space in the West and Its Objectives

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master's degree, Department of Sociology, Baqir al-Olum University, Qom, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Baqir al-Olum University, Qom, Iran



The present study aims to examine the origins and theoretical foundations of the sexualization of social space in the West and its objectives. The research method is descriptive-analytical, and the results showed that the phenomenon of the sexualization of social space provides a suitable context for the first stage (the emergence of sexual desire and appetite) of sexual reaction. Social space is the environment in which actors engage in individual or collective actions. This sexual behavior, in addition to being observable in the real world, also manifests in virtual spaces. Sexual behavior in social spaces can be expressed through speech, actions, auditory elements, and written literature. This phenomenon considered a result of the sexual revolution in the West, is itself a consequence of a lifestyle derived from the values of modern life. The church and its historical transformations have had a significant impact on this issue. Among the precursors to the sexual revolution are economic factors. Liberalism and the subsequent call for freedom, alongside the feminist movement, are the political contexts that supported this trend. The process of sexualizing social space is not without direction or objectives. Counteracting the deprivation and suppression of sexual instincts and securing individual freedoms are among the initial goals of these sexual liberties. The dominance of the ruling power and the preservation of political authority by the rulers, along with the claim of advancing women's rights, constitute another political objective in this process. It should be noted that the greatest harm from this objective befalls women themselves, and this supposed empowerment of rights is, in fact, an example of injustice against women’s rights. From a political perspective on sexual freedom, it can be argued that lifting sexual restrictions and sexualizing social space may benefit the ruling government and contribute to its durability; however, it must be acknowledged that the government has a duty to its people and must protect the principles and foundation of the family, which is the fundamental institution of society, and prevent the harms that may befall it.


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