Introduction and Assessment of the Islamic Movements "Tarikat Manzil" and "Hüda-Par" in the Provinces of "Van, Iğdır, Hakkâri, Ağrı" in Turkey

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D., Contemporary Muslim Social Thought, Al-Mustafa International University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

3 Associate Professor, University of Islamic Religions and Religions, Qom, Iran.



Islamic societies are significantly influenced by their active religious movements, and understanding these movements can play a crucial role in determining how to interact with such societies. Turkey, one of Iran’s most strategically important neighbors, is home to over 50 active Islamic movements, making it one of the most influential Muslim countries in global affairs. The two Islamic movements, "Manzil" and "Hüda-Par," are among the well-known Islamic currents in Turkey. Given the unfamiliarity of these movements in Iran, the present research aims to introduce them more comprehensively to the Iranian academic community and assess their presence in regions bordering Iran. This study, with a "descriptive-comparative" approach and using the "thematic analysis" method, analyzes data collected through "library research" and "semi-structured interviews" with over 30 experts and cultural-religious activists in Turkey. In addition to introducing and briefly comparing these two movements, the study examines their presence in the four Turkish provinces bordering Iran: Van, Iğdır, Ağrı, and Hakkâri. According to the research findings, the Manzil movement has a stronger presence in the Van and Ağrı provinces compared to Iğdır and Hakkâri, while the Hüda-Par group has a significant presence in all border regions. However, as one moves toward northern Turkey, where the "Kurdish identity" diminishes, their activities also decrease. The term "Manzil" is shared between a sub-branch of the "Hüda-Par" group and the "Manzil" movement, although these two Islamic movements differ significantly in terms of geographical origin, leadership, and political and religious priorities. The Manzil movement has a more religious, organizational, and economic structure than the Hüda-Par group. Hüda-Par initially split into two groups: "Manzil" and "Ilim." Currently, one of the sub-branches of the Ilim group claims the title of "Hüda-Par" and is politically closer to Iran. Common features of the "Tarikat Manzil" and "Hüda-Par" movements include their focus on religious concerns, attention to the principle of Kurdish identity, and their widespread presence in all border provinces in the form of religious centers, dormitories, and libraries.


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