Formulation of Ayatollah Javadi Amoli's Cultural Theory

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Al-Mustafa International University, Qom, Iran



This study seeks to formulate Ayatollah Javadi Amoli's cultural theory based on his new theory of humanity, utilizing an analytical and interrogative method. In his thought, culture is the manifestation of human capacities in both individual and social life. These capacities are embedded in the nature (fitra) of all humans; however, humans differ in how they actualize this nature and are categorized as either "firm" or "ambiguous." The present study asserts that each of these types of humans shapes a different form of culture: "firm" humans create a "firm culture," while "ambiguous" humans produce an "ambiguous culture." The firm culture has two fundamental characteristics: 1. Articulateness, which reflects a focus on reason and monotheism, and 2. Weightiness is realized through a focus on nature and truth. In contrast, the ambiguous culture also has two key features: 1. Vagueness, indicative of a focus on imagination and non-monotheistic (human-centered) values, and 2. Lightness, which is manifested through naturalism and the semblance of truth. These findings can be instrumental for policy-making institutions, such as the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution and the Islamic Consultative Assembly, in guiding cultural policies and planning. Additionally, they can be beneficial for organizations such as the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB), the Islamic Propagation Organization, mosque affairs, and the Council for Policy-making of Friday Imams, in understanding and promoting firm culture and in referring ambiguous culture to firm culture.


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