Meta-Synthesis of Iranian Society's Attitude Towards Dress and Hijab in Cultural and Social Studies

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Isfahan Branch (Khorasgan), Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran

2 Professor, Kashan University, Kashan, Iran

3 PhD student, Department of Sociology, Kashan University, Kashan, Iran.



Today, dress and hijab are the most visible identity markers of Muslim women in both national and international arenas, serving a symbolic role in interpersonal communication. Given that hijab and dress have become central issues for women post-revolution, extensive quantitative and qualitative studies have been conducted on this subject. The present study aims to provide a comprehensive examination of these studies to understand societal attitudes toward hijab and dress through qualitative research. Using the meta-synthesis method, studies from the past two decades that reflect attitudes towards hijab and dress in Iranian society were analyzed. The research scope included articles and theses indexed in academic databases. Over 500 articles, 300 master's theses, and approximately 15 doctoral dissertations on this topic were reviewed. From this, 17 articles, master's theses, and doctoral dissertations up to the year 2021 that reflected attitudes towards hijab and dress were selected for coding and analysis. Based on the findings, 163 core codes were extracted from 170 meaningful units and were repeatedly examined in a back-and-forth reading, resulting in 16 categories. "Cognitive Deficiency, Dual Policy-Making, Ineffective Action" were identified as underlying factors influencing attitudes towards the phenomenon of hijab and dress in the research. "Sloganism, Dual Resistance Mechanism, Objectification of Women" were recognized as influential factors, and the necessity of "Revising Legal Constraints and Shifting Discourse" emerged as a strategic category. Consequences and effects such as "Generational Challenges, Developed Manifestation, Hijab as a Tool, Emergence of Alternative Interpretations, Semantic Shift, Functional Hijab" were synthesized from the meta-analysis of relevant articles and theses, shaping the understanding of attitudes towards hijab and dress.


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