Women and Social-Political Activism: An Analysis of the Representation of Women in the Series "The English Briefcase" and "Lady of the Leader"

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student, Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Research Department of Sociology, Research Institute of Social Sciences, Research Institute of Humanities and Social Studies, Jihad University, Tehran, Iran,



Women, as half of the society’s population, have significantly influenced society and politics through their social and political activism. Accordingly, the aim of the present research is to analyze the representation of women's social-political activism in two historical television series, "The English Briefcase" and "Lady of the Leader." These two selected series depict two important periods in the past century of Iranian history, in which women’s roles are also highlighted. This study employs the Greimasian narrative analysis method. The findings indicate that in both series under examination, the social class of women is the most influential factor in their political and social actions, although the dominance of a patriarchal societal structure over women’s agency is evident. While both series emphasize women's influence on politics, the role of men behind the scenes, both overtly and covertly, is also represented. The women depicted in these series have played significant roles in resisting foreign influence in critical moments of Iranian history through the use of their agency. However, in the series "Lady of the Leader," the agency of the series' historical character (Bibi Maryam) is more prominently and effectively portrayed in confronting the oppression and injustice imposed on the people by both domestic officials and external colonialists. Considering Bourdieu's concept of converting cultural capital into other forms of capital, particularly economic and social capital, the main female characters in both series, who were born and raised in upper-class families, had access to education and various skills, including learning the contemporary sciences of their time and even knowing a language other than Persian. Both characters, based on their familial status and the cultural and economic capital they possessed within their families, enjoyed a high social standing, which is clearly depicted in both series.


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