Phenomenology of the Song "Hello Commander" as a Rhetorical Narrative

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD. Student of Culture and Communication, Baqir al-Olum University, Qom, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Communication, University of Religions and Religions; and a member of the propaganda and communication group of Al-Mustafa International University, Qom, Iran.



Cultural-communicative phenomena play a fundamental and decisive role in representing the culture of any nation, encapsulating the beliefs and values of the people of a land or region. Among such communicative phenomena are choral songs, performed as a form of ritual communication. The song "Hello Commander" is a collective anthem that has garnered widespread acclaim from the public, particularly among children and adolescents in Iran. It has also attracted attention in non-Persian-speaking countries. This research, employing a phenomenological approach, aims to extract the meanings and mental images associated with this song by analyzing the viewpoints of followers on the Instagram page of Fars News Agency through ethnography. Using thematic analysis, 58 basic themes, 16 organizing themes, and 3 overarching themes were identified. The findings of the study indicate that "Hello Commander," as a valid rhetorical narrative, is visualized in the minds of the studied audience with the overarching themes of "faith-based unity," "Mahdist civilization," and "righteous deeds." Furthermore, according to this research, the overarching themes align with the Qur'anic concepts of faith and righteous deeds, connecting with the notion of "Hayat Tayyiba" (the good life). This song, as a valid rhetorical narrative, influences its audience without the need for rational arguments or logical proofs and promotes the bond and connection with Imam Mahdi (may Allah hasten his reappearance) and the unity and solidarity of his followers as a cultural endeavor aligned with the Islamic Revolution.


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