A study on the comparison of the attitude towards the hijab of high school girls and undergraduate female students of Iranian universities

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, University of Broadcasting, Faculty of Communication, Iran Community Verified icon



One of the main concerns of religious societies, especially the Islamic society of Iran, is the appropriate hijab for girls in public places and gatherings. Girls' lack of positive attitude towards hijab according to religious standards is one of the problems of today's Islamic societies. Expressing positive and negative interest of girls to the phenomenon of hijab is the result of joint actions of family, local communities and media. Usually, in the changes of attitude towards hijab, the audience's tendencies are changed and transformed first. For this purpose, in this article, the amount of tendencies of high school and undergraduate girls has been investigated using a survey method as the aim of this article. The national sample of this article and research was selected by using the Cochran method and the stratified sampling method and by observing other sampling frameworks of 1200 people in the whole country according to the population of each province. 27% of undergraduate girls and 36.4% of high school girls in the whole country consider it necessary to use the Islamic hijab in public. About 9% of high school girls believe in hijab in public places more than undergraduate girls. This amount is worrying in the Islamic country of Iran. In total, more than two-thirds of girls do not believe in wearing hijab in public places.


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