Investigating the social and political strategies of the culture of sacrifice and martyrdom in the development of modern Islamic civilization (based on the statements of the Supreme Leader)

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Islamic Azad University, Mahabad Branch, Mahabad, Iran



In the statements of Ayatollah Khamenei, the culture of sacrifice and martyrdom has been introduced as one of the most basic requirements for the formation of a new Islamic civilization. The importance of examining this issue will be doubled when, based on His Majesty's orders, the role of the social and political strategies of the school of sacrifice and martyrdom in the stability and development of the modern Islamic civilization has been emphasized as a definite and definite matter. The explanation of his lofty thoughts is considered one of the solid foundations and fundamental studies in social and political strategies.Therefore, this descriptive-analytical research seeks to answer this main question, which of the social and political strategies of the culture of sacrifice and martyrdom play the maximum role in the development of modern Islamic civilization from the perspective of the Supreme Leader?
By referring to library resources and describing and analyzing the data and citing the orders of the Supreme Leader, it shows the results; The guarantee of innate values ​​in the center of monotheism combined with the deepening of the spirit of forgiveness, attention to seeking justice and also respect for the freedom of the Islamic Ummah is one of the most important social strategies in order to achieve the development of modern Islamic civilization. And the development and neutralization of seditions through enmity, one of the most obvious strategies of the school of sacrifice and martyrdom, have realized the prosperity of the modern Islamic civilization.


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