Surveying BBC Persian media fallacy on covering the news related to attacks on Israeli oil tankers

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD in Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Law, Faculty of Theology, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Alborz, Iran

2 Master of Social Communication Sciences, Faculty of Communication Sciences, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran.

3 7th PhD Student of Strategic Management at the University and Institute of National Defense and Senior Lecturer in Army Officers



Sometimes the media, in order to protect source value and satisfy their audiences, using motto of impartiality, take any pre judgment in process of providing the news, as a lie, and ask for valuable and transparent reports on what’s happening around.
Using paralogism in process of news broadcasting, is a method to pretend impartiality and non-obviously arrange the public opinion.
BBC Persian is one of those known for claiming impartiality in process of providing and broadcasting the news. This article, tends to assess the claim of impartiality in this news corporation through case study and thematic analysis on this topic: the news claiming attack on Israeli oil tankers by Iran, on August 2021, in Oman sea and the Persian gulf.
We surveyed ‘‘60 minutes’’ program provided by BBC Persian, focusing on paralogical reasoning used by this news agency’s anchors, experts and reporters, so that we found 13 category of fallacious reasoning methods used by them: fallacy of concealed quantification, exaggerating, fake cause, understatement, incomplete quotation, appealing to emotions, appealing to possibilities, appealing to the fear, repeating without reasoning, using the value load of words, threat, compound question, taking the prior affair as the cause. We also found 4 organizing contexts: Fallacious explanations, claiming without reasoning, critical fallacies, Fallacious reasoning. Then we drew the network of comprehensive themes. 
