Analyzing the Process of Social maturity in the Period of Obedience From the Perspective of Verses and Narratives

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student of sociology. Research institute for university and hawzeh, Qom, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Al-Mustafa Society



The phenomenon of maturity is considered one of the essential and prominent requirements in every society. Meanwhile, social maturity is crucial for the individual, family, and society, for it resembles a process wherein individuals attain the capability and aptitude to encounter the social environment by acquiring beliefs, norms, and expertise, and they can fulfill social responsibilities and roles without relying on others. Therefore, the present article, using the descriptive-analytical method, seeks to analyze the process of social maturity in the period of obedience, i.e., the second seven years of life, since this period is the foundation of the child's personality in the future, which by itself has a particular and outstanding role in connection with the flourishing of social maturity. The findings of the research indicate that in the period of obedience, the child's social education and familiarization with social values ​​and norms is feasible, and in light of the process of social maturity in this period, the child should get socialized according to social roles, and learn life skills. This results in, first, the successful entry into the next step of growth and the actualization of social abilities, and second, the realization of social maturity in youth, which leads to a timely marriage and other social responsibilities.
