Analyzing the role of eschatology in Islamic lifestyle )based on cognitive therapy method)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Quran and Hadith, University of Sistan and Baluchestan

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Education, Sistan and Baluchestan University

3 Associate Professor of Arabic Literature, University of Sistan and Baluchestan



Man's lifestyle depends to a great extent on his kenning at God, himself and essence, and one of the basic and fundamental challenges in the Islamic lifestyle, which has a prominent role in the way of human life, is "eschatology". "Eschatology" is the belief in eternal life in the depths of human being that man gives to his life. But if they do not have a correct understanding of resurrection and have hardness in its cognitive dimension, they will be worried and confused. Human life style is very indignant from this kind of view. Islam's solution in this regard is cognitive and insightful, and the question ahead is a change in the way of looking at resurrection. Until the type of knowing God, existence and self is not changed, many solutions will not reach the desirable result. The motive of the upcoming article is to analyze the role and link of Islamic eschatology with lifestyle based on the cognitive therapy method. The efficacy of eschatology in the negative and positive lifestyle. In its positive side, it restores the lifestyle by creating piety and hope (creative role) and in the shadow of restraining instincts (control role). The role of orientation, persuasive role, along with the role of reduction, is one of the important roles of eschatology, and in a negative direction, it also reduces many areas of distress. This type of cognition, besides having a significant role in lifestyle, can also be used in Islamic cognitive therapy
