Providing a successful interactive marketing framework in Cultural field through virtual space

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Candidate of business Management - Marketing, Shahrood Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Shahroud Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahroud



The purpose of this study was to provide a successful interactive marketing framework in the Cultural field through virtual space.  This research is considered as applied and in terms of exploratory type. To identify and compare the importance of factors from comments, 16 cultural field activists and professors familiar with marketing affairs have been used. The sampling method in targeted current research and information gathering tool was in the identification phase of the factors of Delphi questionnaire and in a quantitative stage (the importance of factors) of comparison of paired. In this research, it is used to identify the final factors of fuzzy Delphi technique and for providing a framework of Dematel technique. Based on the results obtained, a total of 21 indicators were identified for interactive marketing success in virtual space, which were categorized in the form of five group. Based on the findings of the research, technical quality is the most influential, and marketing factors as the most acceptable effect factor. In direct effect on interactive marketing in virtual space, content quality, marketing factors, technical quality, design quality and management factors are located.
