A Critical Study of Family Policy in Iran and Strategic Requirements Policymaking of Family-Centered

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Kharazmi University

2 Assistant Professor of Imam Sadegh University

3 PhD student at university of religions and denominations



In the Islamic Republic of Iran, as in other countries, policies and laws related to the "family" have been adopted and approved. In some of these policies, the government has focused on population control and policies related to the situation of women and orphaned children, and in another part, reforming family laws to increase the social role of women is on the agenda. In the field of "legislation", laws such as the amendment of the law on custody of children or the law on the establishment of family courts are not laws that can play an effective role in family-centered and "family-oriented"; Rather, the law unilaterally protects a family member, such as a wife or children, and there is no systematic and institutionalized view of the family unit. Accordingly, the main question of the research is "What are the disadvantages and gaps of policies, programs and laws related to the family in Iran and what is its relationship with the family-centered?" To answer this question, interviews and conversations with elites and experts in the field of family and policy-making are essential. Therefore, by conducting an interview and then using the content analysis method, the research data is analyzed. The findings of the study indicated that in the field of family policy-making, there is a kind of institutional and organizational turmoil, and there is a duality of "family institution" and "market institution". Family-related policies and laws have so far failed to systematically cover all the required areas, with respect to the family-centered principle; Rather, it was mainly a development-oriented discourse with an economy-oriented approach, and the family-centered approach was irrelevant; If there is support somewhere, it is to support a family member, not the family institution
