Analysis of Anthropological Principles of Acquisition-based Imperialist Theories

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student, Contemporary Thinking of Muslims, Al-Mustafa University and Instructor of Al-Mustafa Virtual University

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tehran

3 MA Graduate, Culture and Communications, University of Baqir Al-Ulum (‘a)



Usage of mental levers alongside the physical pressures is included among the tools of colonialists for controlling those being dominated so that there would be a suitable justification in the face of interrogation of awakened consciences and just judgements, not to mention satisfactory and voluntary contentment and accompaniment of those being under yoke. Such mental levers are injected into the society more in the shape of “acquisition-based” and “determinism-based” theories in order to introduce usage of such interests as their natural or acquisitive right by showing that the dominators are beneficiaries. These theories have been founded upon anthropological principles, the revelation of which is not tended by the imperialistic system, but it has tried to keep it concealed deliberately in order to prevent from fiasco. The author of this article seeks to find the anthropological principles of “acquisition-based” theories of the imperialistic system. Highlighting the aspects of “ego-centeredness” and “race-centeredness” includes basic topics of these principles which have considered “fact-finding” and even “fact-making” as monopolizing feature of the “dominators” and have introduced them to be competent and necessary leader and realizer of interests and even a criterion for “prosperity” and “prosperity-thriving”.
