Democratization of Culture and Hermeneutic Challenges in Cultural Policy-making of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


PhD Graduate, Department of Cultural Policy-making, University of Baqir Al-Ulum



 The spirit ruling over upper hand documents of system is directed towards Islamic      government and community and typically an up-down culture. Athough, in various cases, the right of public partnership is taked about, arrangement of materials and inclusions is in such a way that democratization in cultural affairs cannot be  interpreted. This momentum has brought different stances in the field of democratization makers. Each aspect of such situations by itself makes hermeneutic situation and if it is a key one, it causes a series of hermeneutic situations, divergence and disagreement among the policy-makers. Such series of divergence is diversified and triggers instability in the policy-making cycle and inefficiency in elimination public troubles and harms. In this paper, by using the strategy of analyzing subject-matter, contrastive situations in the field of democratization have been extracted based on six origins and by using ISM style in the eleven steps, key hermeneutic situation-makers containing: “Imam-ummah or state-nation”, “service and agency theory”, democratization of culture or up-down culture” as well as “diversified culture or single culture” have been clearly explained. In the end, the most fundamental hermeneutic sways of democratization have been explored based on relationships of key hermeneutic situation-makers.
