The Components of Lifestyle with an Emphasis on Islamic Vision

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Al-Mustafa University



Lifestyle, as it means nowadays, both ontologically and epistemologically, is a new phenomenon that has been studied by social science. It has been less than one hundred years since this concept entered the social studies environment. In the traditional community, there existed nothing called lifestyle as it is meant to-day mainly because lifestyle is a by-product of choices and preferences. Preference always finds meaning where man is faced with various choices. Modern society is a society plentiful with gifts and facilities and places various choices facing people. Lifestyle is a product of the same choices that individual reckons in his lifetime. Therefore, there happen changes in the communities that bring about questions about the efficiency of concepts for elucidating the social structures; changes like change from manufacturing structure to consumption one. In this way, a question posed is that “what is lifestyle in respect of concept study and what relation does it have to the religion of Islam?” By using method of conceptual analysis and interpretive method, what came out was that lifestyle has three levels of cognitive, gravitational and behavioral and it is within interaction of the same layers that the Islamic lifestyle is being distinguished from the non-Islamic one. The discrepancy of Islamic and non-Islamic lifestyle lies within basis of tendencies and preferences.
